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圣何塞留学美食家指南 哥斯达黎加

by 亚莉克莎兰伯特
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A cafe interior featuring a long pastry case holding many different baked goods

The Go-to Restaurants and Cafes of a Student Studying Abroad in 哥斯达黎加 

While I was so blessed to have my Mama Tica at my homestay make me breakfast and dinner each day, 我经常需要一个好的午餐地点, 咖啡馆做作业, 或者周末和朋友去餐厅试试. I 我曾在圣何塞留学 for a semester, and I found some places that I frequented often—sometimes a little too much. I love going out to eat and trying new places, and I would consider myself a foodie. 我分享了一些小贴士 在哥斯达黎加留学期间省钱, and now I’m going to share with you the four places that I frequented the most, 哪些都是可以步行的! 


Jardín de Lolita 

Jardín德洛丽塔是完美的访问在一天中的任何时间. 这家店其实是由 东航卡帕这是我们第一天一起去的 哥斯达黎加 认识大家. 不管你是想吃披萨, 炸玉米饼, 冰淇淋, 健康的东西, 或者一道典型的哥斯达黎加菜, 他们拥有一切. It is the cutest large outdoor area with several different restaurants to choose from. It isn’t so great for indecisive people like me who think everything looks good, but it’s great for going with friends when you’re all craving different things! 我个人最喜欢的是比萨店, Il Vicolo, 我喜欢用Dolce gelato的冰淇淋来结束. 

A tray of food on a table including quesadillas and french fries next to a tall glass of an orange drink

A delicious quesadilla, fries, and juice combo for only $9 at Cuarto & Cuarto. The Tajin rim was the cherry on top for the 芒果 和菠萝 juice! 


Le Rendez-Vouz 

Rendez-Vouz餐厅是我平日午餐的首选. The second I got out of class, I walked over to get my sandwich and smoothie combo. I either opt for the chicken pesto or vegetarian sandwich, and pair it with a fruit smoothie. The two items cost only $6, and the meal is so delicious and satisfying! They have so many fruits to choose from for their 冰沙, 我通常会选择木瓜, 芒果, 和菠萝. You can also pair the sandwich with fries for the same price.

Not only do they have great sandwiches, but they have delectable baked goods. I also came here often after class for a midday pick-me-up. 我通常点一份 牛奶咖啡 (加牛奶的咖啡), 这取决于我的心情, I grabbed either a brownie or almond croissant—both of which are mouthwatering. This is definitely a favorite among the students at Universidad Veritas as well, 因为我总是在这里遇到朋友! 

A table with a laptop, tall cold coffee drink, and plate with a cinnamon roll

Midday coffee and cinnamon roll to get me through my homework. 


在哥斯达黎加的任何地方寻找甜食? 持久性有机污染物是最好的选择. 我去了全国好几个地方, and in every single place there was a 持久性有机污染物 冰淇淋 shop. Even if I’m in the middle of nowhere at a rest stop with zero service, there’s a 持久性有机污染物. 这是有原因的——他们有很棒的冰淇淋! 当我在工作日需要一点犒劳的时候, there’s multiple locations around San José that I can walk to, or when I’m at the beach and need something to help me cool down, 我总是可以依靠持久性有机污染物. 他们有很多不同的口味可供选择, 他们也有奶昔, 圣代冰淇淋, 冰沙, 酸奶, 甚至是可丽饼! 我的最爱是两勺炖肉, 或者饼干和奶油, in a waffle cone with extra Oreo pieces crumbled on top—so delicious! 

A hand holding an 冰淇淋 cone with a spoon sitting in the 冰淇淋 in a restaurant setting

My Oreo 冰淇淋 cool-down treat by the beach in Tamarindo! 


Cumpanis is a gem that I randomly stumbled on one day during a walk exploring the area. I’m a sucker for a cute little cafe, and that’s exactly what Cumpanis is. 这是喝咖啡的好地方, 和朋友坐下来聊天, 快速吃顿午餐, 或者坐下来完成一些作业. I spent four hours there this weekend applying to summer internships, and the delicious iced latte and avocado toast I had sure helped fuel me.

They also have a plethora of pastries to choose from, as they make everything by hand in house. 他们自制的面包又新鲜又好吃! 我喜欢这家店这么开放, so even when you are sitting inside you’re still getting some fresh air. The environment is so cute and welcoming, making working there for hours enjoyable! 

A plate with avocado toast next to a laptop on a table with a tall cold coffee drink sitting behind them

The said avocado toast and iced latte I had while internship searching. 


While I only mentioned a few spots, San José has a great selection of cafes and restaurants. There are so many places that I passed by that are still on my list to try! I made great friends with the employees, as they’re so kind and helpful. 它们是创造出色体验的重要因素! 

A cafe interior featuring a long pastry case holding many different baked goods


亚莉克莎兰伯特 内容创造者-博客在圣何塞哥斯达黎加, 目前在迈阿密大学学习.
谢谢你的评论! 你的评论必须先被批准




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